OSM Route Manager: Relation 3322454

The data was last refreshed on 2024-04-27T20:43:34Z. The timestamp of the relation is 2022-02-16T13:04:40Z.

An analysis of the current version of the relation is scheduled. The position in the queue is 1. Reload this page after a while to see the updated version.


Doroteo Casado Montes
Bus 827: Madrid (Canillejas) ⇄ Alcobendas ⇄ Universidad Autonoma ⇄ Tres Cantos
CMT Interurbanos


Last changed
Wed Feb 16 14:04:40 CET 2022 by sbelemey
Total length
69.73 km
Parent relations


Segment # Length Distance to next segments Visible Zoom Add to personal route
1 19.47 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
2 0.01 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
3 0.75 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
4 0.13 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
5 0.56 km 0.02 km, 0.00 km Zoom
6 0.19 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
7 0.62 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
8 0.19 km 0.00 km, 0.18 km Zoom
9 1.55 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
10 0.68 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
11 0.50 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
12 4.46 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
13 4.51 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
14 0.09 km 0.00 km, 0.09 km Zoom
15 0.18 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
16 0.18 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
17 0.08 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
18 0.04 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
19 0.06 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
20 0.02 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
21 2.35 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
22 1.51 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
23 0.08 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
24 3.31 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
25 3.21 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
26 0.11 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
27 0.09 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
28 0.11 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
29 0.15 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
30 3.77 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
31 1.09 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
32 5.00 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
33 8.25 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
34 7.11 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
35 0.23 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom
36 0.08 km 0.00 km, 0.00 km Zoom

Personal route

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